Our services


Services based on the needs of our community's children

Community-Based Speech Therapy
Community-based speech therapy is a collaborative project of the  Table jeunesse Argenteuil. This project responds to the needs of children in our region, whether they are English or French speaking, by providing language stimulation activities involving parents and children, by applying intervention plans to children with language difficulties and disorders, in collaboration with the services offered to children aged 0-5 years, as well as to school-age children in collaboration with the educational milieu.

The objectives are :

– Promote reading by supporting language development;

– To develop reading competencies and language stimulation skills in parents;

– Through a playful approach, develop a culture of reading pleasure by encouraging the development of communication and language;

– To support the language stimulation needs of children in order to achievep academic school success, with the collaboration of all stakeholders in the community;

– To strengthen the knowledge, skills and practices of language practitioners on language development and language stimulation.

Medical and psychosocial services

Follow-up is provided for children seen in the clinic. This may be with a social worker, a specialized educator and/or a doctor. The child is always at the heart of the discussions, and is the main actor consulted in the development of the child’s action plan. ACSPC interventions are family-based.

Group activities

ACSPC welcomes children in various groups that correspond to their needs and interests. These include a children’s rights committee, homework help and play activities. Through these groups, each child works on thier own personal challenges.

The Incredible Years

The Incredible Years is a project of the Table Jeunesse Argenteuil. It is carried out in partnership with the Center, the Maison de la famille, the Argenteuil MRC, the CISSS des Laurentides and the Argenteuil MRC’s French and English schools. 

The program consists of offering workshops to parents in order to improve their parenting skills. 

These workshops promote the improvement of parents’ confidence and sense of self-efficacy regarding their ability to control their own behavior and that of their child. Finally, they promote parental involvement in the intervention process by increasing motivation, decreasing resistance to change, promoting generalization and engaging parents in their own success.


Music therapy

Music therapy is a field of professional music therapists trained to use music as a therapeutic and wellness tool.


The aim of the field is to use the need(s) of the person receiving the service to create goals and objectives for personal accomplishment in these areas:

  1. Verbal and non-verbal communication (articulation, eye contact, etc.)
  2. Motor skills (fine, gross, coordination, limb independence, etc.)
  3. Cognition (memory, attention, sensory, intellectual stimulation, etc.)
  4. Socialization (cooperation, participation, sharing, etc.)
  5. Emotions (self-regulation, stress/anxiety management, etc.)
  6. Music (various musical apprenticeships)


Music therapy is inclusive and can offer support to people with a particular diagnosis for further developmental guidance. The areas described above are explored through various interventions: song and/or instrumental creation, creation of musical activities (games, interactions, musical learning), improvisation and readiness for relaxation and musical analysis.