Our mission

Our main mission is to enable each child to develop their full potential, in compliance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child

Our mission

The Argenteuil Community Social Pediatric Center (ACSPC)

is a bilingual non-profit organization whose main mission is to enable each child to develop to their full potential, in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This consists of supporting the growth and optimal development of children from 0 to 18 years of age in a situation of great vulnerability residing on the Argenteuil territory by offering them integrated social medicine services, as well as quality legal services responding to their needs and interests.


Our Center is a warm, familiar and accessible place for the Argenteuil community. The child and the important people around them are welcomed by a dynamic team, made up mostly of health and social services professionals, as well as a team of volunteers and an impressive network of partners in the community, including our schools, the Argenteuil sector of the CISSS des Laurentides and the community.


The role of the Argenteuil Community Social Pediatric Centre is to orchestrate the mobilization and cooperation of caregivers around the needs of children in vulnerable situations, notably by identifying these children and the complex problems that place them in difficulty and then intervening directly on these difficulties through the strength of the network.

A community social pediatrics center

What is it?
Our services
The roles

of the professionals

The ACSPC in numbers

Number of interventions in various departments

Psychosocial interventions
Language stimulation workshops
Assessment/orientation meetings
Evaluation/orientation meetings

In 2022-2023

  • In 2022-2023, 204 children were seen by a doctor, 30 more than the previous year.
  • Additionally, some children were seen for language stimulation and individual follow-up. In all, 242 children were seen this year by our professionals.
  • A total of 3,694 interventions were carried out during the year, for an average of 19 interventions per child.
  • In September, we increased the number of clinic days from five to seven, then in November it was increased to eight clinic days per month.